Looking Past for Present

I started my internship a few weeks ago in my home town of Macon, GA to be surprised with a really interesting project. A new art gallery and antique shop in downtown from a woman who previously owned 3 in New Orleans. I love my hometown’s culture. Super southern with a recent boost of revitalization but the art scene has always left something to be desired in my opinion, especially compared to Savannah. 

Where we lack in that culture aspect we exceed in southern hospitality. Literally while walking to work every person you pass will greet you or hand you some sort of compliment. This new shop not only brings refined art to downtown but also all the culture from New Orleans. Everything that I’m about. I can’t help but hope we embrace this into our community. With this southern antiquity in mind, my design inspiration have changed drastically from my modern ideals to the intricacy and delicate artisanship of the past. Watercolor, etching, antique wall paper, embroidery, etc. 

Beauty and elegance past, present, and future. Seems southern to me.  

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/BA + JP


Where we're comin' from...

What IS this?

Le petit cinq point is the crossroads between two design student's merging paths. North meets south, minimal meets eclectic, communication meets design. This is where ideas meet and merge. Where our collaboration comes to rest. Where we share our inspiration collective. This is Betsy. This is Jasmin. This is our petit cinq point.