"In the Now" Tuesday: Fall into the Great Outdoors

 glittery lake + mountains

As the temperatures here in the south wain and dissipate, I look forward even more to fall. To flannels and boots. To the leaves falling and that spark reigniting our love with the outdoors. It's undeniable that no matter where we are in the country or what trends are in, we all tend to gravitate towards flannels, knits, vests and cords. Like a picture straight out of the LL Bean catalogue. As this season rolls in I'm looking to freshen up my adventure apparel and submerse myself in the season. Here's some of the inspirations that I'm keeping in mind.

Hunted & Gathered. #trend #camping #urbanoutfitters #huntedandgathered

Leah Flores Let's Get In Tents Art Print  #tents #urbanoutfitters #huntedandgathered
Urban Outfitters

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/BA + JP


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Le petit cinq point is the crossroads between two design student's merging paths. North meets south, minimal meets eclectic, communication meets design. This is where ideas meet and merge. Where our collaboration comes to rest. Where we share our inspiration collective. This is Betsy. This is Jasmin. This is our petit cinq point.