Fanciful Home Friday: Packing Tips, Tricks, and DIY's

Today I move back to Savannah. Summer is practically over, school is looming in the distance, and the time I usually spend worrying over packing would be better spent comparing textbook prices. So here are some of the handy dandy tricks I'm adding to my hat and you might consider adding to yours. Cause lets face it, we all have something better todo than worrying over packing.
DIY Jewelry Travel Roll | Mr.Kate
Travelling for work or the long awaited holiday? Great packing tips!  ** I love sourcing great resources, tips & articles to help Leaders flourish! Come connect on your fav social media through our site.  #familyleadership #corporatecinderella #executivetravel
Jewelry Organizer for Toiletries | iheartorganization
Saran Wrap bottles for travel instead of ziplock bags...worked so good!
Plastic wrap for open bottles
Bonne Chance!

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/BA + JP


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Le petit cinq point is the crossroads between two design student's merging paths. North meets south, minimal meets eclectic, communication meets design. This is where ideas meet and merge. Where our collaboration comes to rest. Where we share our inspiration collective. This is Betsy. This is Jasmin. This is our petit cinq point.