Back To School Week: Home Away From Home

"Enjoy home now, because once you leave, 'home' will never mean the same thing." 

This was the wisest advice I received upon graduating High School. At the time, I figured that this ominous statement was just meant to scare all of us overly cocky seniors ready to take on a new world, but you soon learn that this is the truest statement anyone could tell you. My freshman year of college was so full mixed emotions about being away from home that wasn't helped with the strange new environment. Being deprived from your sense of the word "home" definitely can shake your core. Home, as you'll learn, is nothing more than the feeling you get around loved ones, the familiar, trusted individuals in your life that you can't live without. On starting this new adventure, to make your home away from home more home-y, bring lots of pictures. Things with stories behind them. Familiar recipes, items, smells, and appliances that make life a little easier.

For me my essential items are pictures of my boyfriend, my family on our amazing worldly trips, great memories, and cards from loved ones. As well as my beloved espresso machine (that has been a fixated appliance in my house hold since I was 6) with my favorite mugs and several trinkets that have always made my space more familiar. As I transitioned from dorm to apartment, family furniture and a hammock didn't hurt in making things more comfortable either.

After living on my own for a few years now, here's what I'd like to acquire to take back this year that would make life a little easier:

Hamilton Beach 58148 Power Elite Multi-Function Blender

-Keep off the pounds and bring on all the essential vitamins with an easy breakfast smoothie.

Progressive International HGT-11 Folding Mandoline Slicer    

-I hate to cook, so an interesting device to cut food for me wouldn't hurt, and thinly sliced vegetables could be more fun to eat. Just sayin'.

Dyson DC35 Digital Slim

Dyson Vacuum
-A girl can dream right?

Waterpik RPB-173 Drenching Rain Fall Shower head

Fantastical Waterfall Shower head
-Just because your in dorm or apartment doesn't meant you should sacrifice a good shower. If you have the privilege of having your own bathroom, I would definitely recommend switching out the shower head. The one it comes with is usually super basic with either too little or too much pressure. Pamper yourself.  And on that note...

Lush Bath Bombs
Relax...Take A Bath
Relax...Take A Bath | Lush
-I got turned on to these from an obsessed friend of mine, but they are spectacular. With the stress of school, I think it's definitely necessary to take the time out for yourself and why not with a vitamin and essential oil drenched bath.  I think so.

Other things to look for in the decor realm:
As I've said before light is your friend, and if you can make it a statement piece even better. Warm values and textures help too. Anything that can add personality will be your friend. And in small spaces, mirrors make all the difference. Check out Fanciful Friday: Lighten Up and Rustic Chic for more ideas on those.

Above all mes amis, find your place and new loved ones to really make your "home away form home" feel like home. Whether a club, your roommates, or new friends. They all make up for the home sickness and, most importantly, add happiness (which is the best remedy of all).

For all of our friends heading back to school (or at school), Bonne Voyage and safe travels!

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/BA + JP


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Le petit cinq point is the crossroads between two design student's merging paths. North meets south, minimal meets eclectic, communication meets design. This is where ideas meet and merge. Where our collaboration comes to rest. Where we share our inspiration collective. This is Betsy. This is Jasmin. This is our petit cinq point.