Baking with Lavender

Being home for the summer would typically mean seeing friends on a regular basis, but this summer has been different. With many of my friends entering their senior year of college, internships and jobs are making it harder for us to sit down and get together for more than an hour at a time. 

So when I received this lovely little letter in the mail, I couldn't resist writing a post about Thursday's "Tea Party". Not only because of the idea of being surrounded by friends, but also the opportunity of making loads of sweets for them to enjoy. Naturally, I jumped on the opportunity to bring a dish inspired by my travels in France this past spring.

Here is a taste of what I will be working on for the next two days... with a vegan twist!

Lavender Madeleines (recipe curtesy of Roti n Rice)


Lemon & Lavender cupcakes (recipe curtesy of Juniper Cakery)


Lavender & Vanilla marshmallows (recipe curtesy of Drawings Under the Table)


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/BA + JP


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Le petit cinq point is the crossroads between two design student's merging paths. North meets south, minimal meets eclectic, communication meets design. This is where ideas meet and merge. Where our collaboration comes to rest. Where we share our inspiration collective. This is Betsy. This is Jasmin. This is our petit cinq point.